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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Simple Steps To Spring Cleaning

By Kathy DeCandia

People take pride in showing off their homes. However, one can't help but to get depressed or overwhelmed by the mess and clutter. This may be the time that an individual wishes that they could win a prize for free cleaning services for a year. However, if this dream doesn't appear to be coming true any time soon, it may be time to do some spring cleaning. Here are some steps that will make it a little more achievable.

One step can begin with cleaning windows that have been shut all winter long. This usually results in the build up of stale odors that many individuals have gotten accustomed to smelling. Open up windows and doors to let homes air out for about an hour. Clean surfaces with a cloth to get rid of dust that has lingered during the winter months.

Secondly, find out the reasons to why this area is always disorganized. Living with messy people is not the only reason. Usually there's another culprit. For example, shoes usually end up by the door way because sometimes there's not enough closet space.

The step that individuals love to jump to is coming up with solutions. This is basically asking the question of what needs to be done to make the clutter go away. Having the right tools and instilling the proper behavior are usually the keys to change. For example, if employee offices and desks are messy, purchasing filing and storage cabinets may be in order.

Now it's time for implementation. Look at the organizational tools that are needed and put them in place. But remember, employees need to follow the rules, or behaviors, associated with the tools. For example, if desks are cluttered at the end of the day, the rule of filing all papers and clearing off desks by the close of the business day needs to be followed.

Make sure to place winter clothes and bedding into proper storage containers. However, before doing so, look for any replacements that need to be done. Usually, stores have end-of -season clearance sales that make it easy to replace damaged clothing and worn-out linens. By the time the winter season comes again, an individual may have a new wardrobe already in their closet!

One may notice that they have much more work to do. If Rome was not built in a day, then don't expect the same thing for clearing out the clutter. It may be easier to take one room at a time to organize. It will also help the individual to feel like they've accomplished something when at least one room has been completed. Again, get the whole family involved. Everyone needs to benefit from the fruits of their labor!

Spring cleaning doesn't have to be such a worrisome task when the necessary steps are taken. It can be a great time to come up with new ideas of improvement, as well as a great time for bonding with the family. One familiar phrase that's easy to remember to make sure one stays on task is, "out with the old, and in with the new!".

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