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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Isagenix, The Reality

By Maren Nordmann

According to Isagenix, if you use their products then you will be one of the healthiest people alive! With fantastic energy and vitality. Sounds good to me! Is it all true though, is the company for real?

There does not seem to be a MLM company anywhere that hasn't at some point been subjected to a 'scam' allegation, sometimes totally unfounded, other times not!

I'm not in any way affiliated with Isagenix so I'm not here to try and sign you up. They are of course an MLM company and involved in the Health & Nutrition niche. They offer high-quality cleansing, nutrition and skin care products.

Let's get it dealt with now, is there an Isagenix scam?. Seriously; have you seen the product line? There are REAL products being sold here and a good selection of them, so you can't brand this as a pyramid scam (unless you just flat out HATE Network Marketing). Like any company selling these sort of products there is a lot of hype around, plus a mixture of good and bad reviews. With the products receiving rave reviews from athletes who are top of their game, you can rest assured that they work.

The superstar life mentor, Jack Canfield also gives the company as a whole his seal of approval. Since using the products he said he feels far more wellbeing generally, the only snag with his recommendation is that he is an Isagenix distributor. But seriously I trust his word. The facts remains though that there are more good reviews than bad, which is always a good sign.

This is a legitimate company.

Isagenix HQ is in Chandler, Arizona, it all began in March 2002 and was founded by John Anderson. The company brought turned over 50 million bucks in 18 months with their famous fat burning and body cleansing system. Certainly some good figures, the company is still growing today.

You might want to check out their corporate website, there are some good video presentations to watch. You might also want to look under featured videos and watch the 'Are You Toxic' video. They basically tell us that almost everything we eat and use is poisonous!

How will you make some cash with this business?

You will earn from selling products yourself and also through building a team under you, this is a BINARY compensation plan so make sure you fully understand how it works. The bottom line is that you are building two teams, one on the left and one on the right, its critical they are properly balanced so you earn the most money, plus benefit from spillover commissions from your uplines efforts. To get the most out of a binary you must know what you're doing, so take some time to look into it and fully understand it.

We have seen that Isagenix is a good, legitimate company, so how can you make a shed load of money with them?

If you follow the masses you probably won't make much if any money, the is because most are doing it all wrong. The majority are doing what their upline taught them to do, chase family and friends, draw up a warm list, prospect at any given opportunity and just market the business like a pest. For those that see the potential of the internet and now market their business online may still be doing things totally the wrong way!

This is in my opinion the surest way to fail with Isagenix, but assuming you can solve the 2 major problems network marketers face then you are quid's in.

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